Keep Up On Tree Care Throughout The Year For A Healthier Yard

It is easy to forget that your trees are in need of regular maintenance, as they don't seem to change that much from year to year. However, there are several tasks that you should complete throughout the year to ensure your trees stay happy and healthy. Not only will they look better, but it will also the reduce the risk that the a large branch (or the entire tree) will come down during a large storm.

Landscape With The Cool, Crisp, And Colorful Crepe Myrtle Tree

Landscaping is an imperative part of your home's curb appeal and value, but choosing from the various shrubs, flowers, and trees can be overwhelming. Fortunately, planting the right trees around your yard can add color, shade, style, and value to your home. If you are a homeowner searching for the right trees to landscape your home's exterior, consider the cool, crisp, and colorful style of a crepe myrtle. Using this guide, you will understand the benefits of the crepe myrtle plus learn the best options for planting and maintaining your new tree.

How To Protect Your Home From Tree Damage During A Storm

According to the National Storm Damage Center, falling trees cause more than one billion dollars a year in property damage in the United States. Heavy rain caused by storms can cause tree roots to lose their grip on the earth and high winds can send limbs and branches flying through the air with incredible force. If you live in an area that is prone to tropical storms, you may want to learn how to manage the trees on your property to avoid being part of this billion-dollar statistic.